Hotels / Resorts
Big Buffalo Resort — Rental cabins located near the Falcon Lake main beach
Caddy Lake Resort — Cabin rentals near Caddy Lake beach
Crescent Beach Cottages — Cottages & motel adjacent to the West Hawk Lake main beach
Falcon Beach Ranch — Log cabin rentals in Falcon Lake
The Hotel at Falcon Lake — Hotel in Falcon Lake townsite
Falcon Trails Resort — Lakefront cabin rentals on Falcon Lake
Keystone Resort — Cabin rentals and motel suites in West Hawk Lake townsite
Penguin Resort- Cabin rentals on north shore Falcon Lake
Tallpine Lodges — Cabin rentals adjacent to the West Hawk Lake main beach
West Hawk Lake Resort — Cabin rentals in the West Hawk townsite
Falcon Lake Golf Course - Falcon Lake
Falcon Lake Bakery Bistro - Falcon Lake
Falcon's Nest Cafe - Falcon Lake Shopping Centre
Hi-Point Restaurant - West Hawk townsite
Nite Hawk Cafe - West Hawk townsite
Scotty’s Drive-In - Falcon Lake Shopping Centre
Faloma Beach Marina - Boat rentals, repairs, docking and storage, and fishing/watersports store on north shore Falcon Lake
Falcon Beach Ranch - Horseback riding and ranch activities
Falcon Lake Golf Course - 18-hole golf course, restaurant, and pro-shop
Falcon Lake Winter Fish-off — Fishing derby held annually in March
Falcon Ridge Ski Slopes - Downhill skiing, snow tubing, and cross-country ski trails
West Hawk Marine — Penniac Bay, West Hawk Lake
West Hawk Yacht Club — Big Island Landing, West Hawk Lake
Whispering Pines Campground — seasonal campground off the #1 Hwy, near Manitoba/Ontario border
Whiteshell Outfitters — Rennie, MB
Falcon Lake Meat & Grocery — Falcon Lake Shopping Centre
The Sandcastle Shop — Falcon Lake Shopping Centre
Lumber One Building Supplies — Falcon Lake, South Shore Road
The Laughing Loon - Gifts — Falcon Lake Shopping Centre
West Hawk Lake Resort - Liquor & Convenience store — Falcon Lake townsite
Cottage 'n Country Gifts & Store — located at Crescent Beach Cottages adjacent to the West Hawk Lake main beach
The Mason Jar — Penniac Bay, West Hawk Lake
Blaney Plumbing & Heating
204-349-2569 / blaneysplumbing@gmail.com
Cottage Country Electric
204-782-3223 / kurt@nolimitsinternet.comHood Contracting
Ike’s Eavestroughing
204-349-8780 / itrough@mts.netJKW Construction
204-829-3890 / jkwc@mts.netMason Plumbing & Heating
204-349-2672 / pgmason@hotmail.comSuncoast Manitoba
Sunset Country Electric
Beachcity Parcel Service
Day Septic Service
Falcon Beach Auto Service & Towing
Falcon Beach Excavators
Falcon Woodshack
RussellCare Lawn & Maintenance
Septic MD
Whiteshell Tree Removal
204-226-1582 / hcsfalconlake@hotmail.com
South Whiteshell Transfer Station Hours
And More!
Falcon Beach School (Nursery to Grade 10) - administrated by Frontier School Division.
RCMP detachment at Falcon Lake.
South Whiteshell Medical Centre in Falcon Lake - staffed by a doctor full time from May to September and part time from October to April. Contact Number: 204-349-2529. *CURRENTLY CLOSED*
911 Service - 24-hour ambulance service with year round staff situated in Falcon Lake and a 24-hour Volunteer Fire Department located at West Hawk Lake with a sub station at Falcon Lake. To access these services call 911.
Post Offices - located at West Hawk Lake in Cottage ‘n’ Country Gifts & Store and at Falcon Lake in Lumber One Building Supplies.
Whiteshell Community Club - features a three-sheet curling rink, gymnasium used by the community and school, and well-equipped workout room accessible 24-hours a day with a community club & gym membership.
Yacht/Sailing Clubs - located at Falcon and West Hawk Lakes.
Three local churches - All Peoples Church at Falcon Lake open year round, Roman Catholic Church at Falcon Lake open from May to September, West Hawk United Church at West Hawk open year round.